Playa Samara

Avoiding Costa Rica Scams

Preventing or avoiding Costa Rica scams 

Playa Samara

Playa Samara

Often I am asked what should I do in preventing or avoiding scams in Costa Rica. Some are easily avoided or prevented when you are armed with the right information. Before you go, let us review your itinerary and give you feedback on what we know. Our feedback is free and we do not have any affiliations with what we evaluate. Everything from car rentals to food. We have lived here for the past 15 years and have become very familiar with Costa Rica. 

Although our background is law and investigations, it has broadened our knowledge base on all types of scams and frauds. I feel if we can help anyone coming here from falling victim to a scam or fraud, they will want to come back. As you will learn some scams are not deliberate while others are as deliberate as they come.