Costa Rica and Due Diligence

Private Investigator in Costa Rica and due diligence is a must

As a well-seasoned private investigator in Costa Rica, many have asked, “why is due diligence so important in Costa Rica? Because if the proper research is not done prior to entering into a contract, you may lose all of your money. The laws here are very different than those in the United States. In Costa Rica frauds abound everywhere, especially in real estate.

The money you spend for due diligence is pale in comparison to the financial and emotional catastrophe that looms if you don’t!  It’s much easier and less expensive to prevent a problem rather than trying to repair one afterward. Do yourself a favor and get the facts first before you commit to anything in Costa Rica.

What Is Due Diligence

1. An investigation or audit of a potential investment. Due diligence serves to confirm all material facts in regard to a sale or information concerning the parties involved. It also is most important when you are thinking about a romantic relationship with a Costa Rica woman.

2. Generally, due diligence refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a transaction with another party.  For example, offers to purchase an asset are usually dependent on the results of a due diligence analysis. This includes reviewing all financial records plus anything else deemed material to the sale. Sellers could also perform a due diligence analysis on the buyer. Items that may be considered are the buyer’s ability to purchase, as well as other items that would affect the purchased entity or the seller after the sale has been completed.  Due diligence is a way of preventing unnecessary harm to either party involved in a transaction.

I can’t begin to emphasize the importance of due diligence prior to doing anything in Costa Rica. Not only real estate, but investment offers as well as personal relations with a Costa Rican woman. This beautiful country has much to offer, but there is a scam at every corner waiting for its next victim. As the economy in the United States improves so will the opportunities to relocate or invest here.

From spending many years in this part of the world I can tell you that you cannot be too careful when risking your money. The money you spend for a thorough and complete due diligence is pail in comparison to the potential loss you face if you don’t.

Contact our offices today for more information regarding this and other subjects that affect your future in Costa Rica or Florida, feel free to contact us at 321-218-9209 for a free consultation.